Page values for "NieR"

From RPCS3 Wiki

"Patch" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeAllowed valuesValue


 NieR_FPS_Notes: &NieR_FPS_Notes
   "Updated with a new version that has correct game speed at any framerate. You no longer need to set the Framelimiter to 30 or 60."
 # unlock framerate
   - [ be32, 0x00f7c3b8, 0x386001f5 ] # li r3, 1f5
   - [ be32, 0x00711b50, 0x489c3ef1 ] # jump to code cave
 # get mftb
   - [ be32, 0x010d5a40, 0x7ccc42e6 ] # mftb r6             // move from timebase register (clock)
 # get mftb delta
   - [ be32, 0x010d5a44, 0x3ca0010e ] # lis r5,0x010e       // load high bits of address (0x010e23c8)
   - [ be32, 0x010d5a48, 0x60a523c8 ] # ori r5,r5,0x23c8    // load low bits of address
   - [ be32, 0x010d5a4c, 0x7c85202a ] # ldx r4,r5,r4        // load previous frames mftb reading
   - [ be32, 0x010d5a50, 0xf8c50000 ] # std r6,0x0(r5)      // store this frames mftb reading
   - [ be32, 0x010d5a54, 0x7cc43050 ] # subf r6,r4,r6       // subtract previous mftb reading from this mftb frames reading
 # mftb delta to float
   - [ be32, 0x010d5a58, 0xf8c50080 ] # std r6,0x80(r5)     // store mftb delta (to be loaded into FPR)
   - [ be32, 0x010d5a5c, 0xcba50080 ] # lfd f29,0x80(r5)    // load mftb delta into FPR
   - [ be32, 0x010d5a60, 0xffa0ee9c ] # fcfid f29,f29       // convert integer to double
   - [ be32, 0x010d5a64, 0xffa0e818 ] # frsp f29,f29        // round to single precision
 # mftb delta to seconds
   - [ be32, 0x010d5a68, 0x3c80010d ] # r4,0x10d            // load high bits constants pointer
   - [ be32, 0x010d5a6c, 0x60845a40 ] # ori r4,r4,0x5a40    // load low bits of constants pointer
   - [ be32, 0x010d5a70, 0xc384003c ] # lfs f28,0x3c(r4)    // load timebase frequency
   - [ be32, 0x010d5a74, 0xec3de024 ] # fdivs f1,f29,f28    // divide timebase delta by timebase frequency
 # return
   - [ be32, 0x010d5a78, 0x4e800020 ] # blr                 // return
 # constants
   - [ be32, 0x010d5a7c, 0x4c989680 ] # timebase frequency as hexfloat (80mhz)
 # unlock framerate
   - [ be32, 0x00f7cbcc, 0x386001f5 ] # li r3, 1f5
   - [ be32, 0x00711d58, 0x489c48e9 ] # jump to code cave
 # get mftb
   - [ be32, 0x010d6640, 0x7ccc42e6 ] # mftb r6             // move from timebase register (clock)
 # get mftb delta
   - [ be32, 0x010d6644, 0x3ca0010e ] # lis r5,0x010e       // load high bits of address (0x010e23e8)
   - [ be32, 0x010d6648, 0x60a523e8 ] # ori r5,r5,0x23e8    // load low bits of address
   - [ be32, 0x010d664c, 0x7c85202a ] # ldx r4,r5,r4        // load previous frames mftb reading
   - [ be32, 0x010d6650, 0xf8c50000 ] # std r6,0x0(r5)      // store this frames mftb reading
   - [ be32, 0x010d6654, 0x7cc43050 ] # subf r6,r4,r6       // subtract previous mftb reading from this mftb frames reading
 # mftb delta to float
   - [ be32, 0x010d6658, 0xf8c50080 ] # std r6,0x80(r5)     // store mftb delta (to be loaded into FPR)
   - [ be32, 0x010d665c, 0xcba50080 ] # lfd f29,0x80(r5)    // load mftb delta into FPR
   - [ be32, 0x010d6660, 0xffa0ee9c ] # fcfid f29,f29       // convert integer to double
   - [ be32, 0x010d6664, 0xffa0e818 ] # frsp f29,f29        // round to single precision
 # mftb delta to seconds
   - [ be32, 0x010d6668, 0x3c80010d ] # r4,0x10d            // load high bits constants pointer
   - [ be32, 0x010d666c, 0x60846640 ] # ori r4,r4,0x6640    // load low bits of constants pointer
   - [ be32, 0x010d6670, 0xc384003c ] # lfs f28,0x3c(r4)    // load timebase frequency
   - [ be32, 0x010d6674, 0xec3de024 ] # fdivs f1,f29,f28    // divide timebase delta by timebase frequency
 # return
   - [ be32, 0x010d6678, 0x4e800020 ] # blr                 // return
 # constants
   - [ be32, 0x010d667c, 0x4c989680 ] # timebase frequency as hexfloat (80mhz)
 NieR_AR_Notes: &NieR_AR_Notes
   "Requires \"Stretch To Display Area\" checked in the GPU settings. HUD elements will be stretched and misplaced."
 NieR_AR_Configurable_values: &NieR_AR_Configurable_Values
   "Aspect Ratio":
     Type: double_enum
     Value: &32_9_value 3.555555555555556
     Allowed Values:
       "32:9": *32_9_value
       "21:9 (3840x1600)": 2.4
       "21:9 (3440x1440)": 2.388888888888889
       "21:9 (2560x1080)": 2.37037037037037
       "16:10": 1.6
       "4:3": 1.333333333333333
       "5:4": 1.25


 "Unlock FPS":
     "NieR (Nier Replicant)":
       BLUS30481: [ All ]
       BLES00826: [ All ]
   Author: "Whatcookie"
   Notes: *NieR_FPS_Notes
   Patch Version: 2.1
     - [ load, *NieR_FPS_USEU ]
 "Aspect Ratio":
     "NieR (Nier Replicant)":
       BLUS30481: [ All ]
       BLES00826: [ All ]
   Author: "dio"
   Notes: *NieR_AR_Notes
   Configurable Values: *NieR_AR_Configurable_Values
   Patch Version: 1.0
     - [ bef32, 0x01120398, "Aspect Ratio" ]


 "Unlock FPS":
     "NieR (Nier Replicant)":
       BLJM60223: [ All ]
   Author: "Whatcookie"
   Notes: *NieR_FPS_Notes
   Patch Version: 2.1
     - [ load, *NieR_FPS_JP ]
typeStringPPU · SPU · CanaryPPU