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21 September 2024

     02:58  (User creation log) [LutherChiles0‎; Aurelio3033‎]
02:58 User account Aurelio3033 talk contribs was created ‎
01:19 User account LutherChiles0 talk contribs was created ‎

20 September 2024

     23:25  Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights diffhist +420 Jenci talk contribs (→‎Special Notes)
     23:25  Samurai Warriors 4 diffhist −6 Jenci talk contribs (→‎Special Notes)
     22:05  Fallout: New Vegas diffhist +741 LStewieAl talk contribs (→‎Special Notes: - Added ActorCause Save Bloat Fix ( and Jump While Aiming (
     22:05  (User creation log) [LStewieAl‎; FranziskaCarrasc‎; Dima‎; AmberTsk73579958‎; Alex18‎]
22:05 User account Alex18 talk contribs was created ‎
21:48 User account LStewieAl talk contribs was created ‎
19:38 User account AmberTsk73579958 talk contribs was created ‎
19:32 User account Dima talk contribs was created ‎
00:20 User account FranziskaCarrasc talk contribs was created ‎
     19:03  Stranglehold‎‎ 3 changes history +928 [FlexBy‎ (3×)]
19:03 (cur | prev) −9 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎Special Notes)
19:02 (cur | prev) +419 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎Special Notes)
18:49 (cur | prev) +518 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎Special Notes)
     18:42  Vblank compatible games list‎‎ 2 changes history +49 [FlexBy‎ (2×)]
18:42 (cur | prev) +55 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎S)
18:23 (cur | prev) −6 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎A)
     18:19  Armored Core V diffhist +25 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎Configuration)
     18:19  Help:Netplay diffhist −190 Ninetime talk contribs (Update info)
     17:19  Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit diffhist +66 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎Special Notes)

19 September 2024

     22:18  Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD‎‎ 3 changes history +94 [FlexBy‎; Ninetime‎ (2×)]
22:18 (cur | prev) +9 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎Special Notes)
19:14 (cur | prev) +7 Ninetime talk contribs
18:58 (cur | prev) +78 Ninetime talk contribs (Update netplay info)
     21:13  Vblank compatible games list‎‎ 6 changes history +1,051 [FlexBy‎ (6×)]
21:13 (cur | prev) +34 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎L)
16:12 (cur | prev) +223 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎P)
14:51 (cur | prev) −83 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎L)
14:49 (cur | prev) +237 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎L)
12:39 (cur | prev) +379 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎A)
11:22 (cur | prev) +261 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎L)
     21:06  Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection‎‎ 3 changes history +294 [FlexBy‎ (3×)]
21:06 (cur | prev) −15 FlexBy talk contribs
20:57 (cur | prev) +277 FlexBy talk contribs
20:42 (cur | prev) +32 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎Special Notes)
     20:20  The Punisher: No Mercy diffhist +68 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎Special Notes)
     19:15  Armored Core: For Answer‎‎ 3 changes history +440 [Ninetime‎ (3×)]
19:15 (cur | prev) +4 Ninetime talk contribs
19:14 (cur | prev) +47 Ninetime talk contribs (Update netplay info)
19:12 (cur | prev) +389 Ninetime talk contribs (Update netplay info and add details)
     19:13  Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix‎‎ 2 changes history +986 [Ninetime‎ (2×)]
19:13 (cur | prev) +7 Ninetime talk contribs
19:02 (cur | prev) +979 Ninetime talk contribs (Update netplay info and add details)
     18:54  Wangan Midnight diffhist +60 Ninetime talk contribs (Update netplay info)
     16:24 User creation log User account Poulie-lactique1 talk contribs was created ‎
     16:11  Planet 51: The Game diffhist +448 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎Special Notes)
     14:46  Lucha Libre AAA: Héroes del Ring diffhist +2,337 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎Special Notes)
     12:38  All Zombies Must Die! diffhist +456 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎Special Notes)
     12:26  Alice: Madness Returns‎‎ 3 changes history +810 [FlexBy‎ (3×)]
12:26 (cur | prev) +267 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎Special Notes)
12:04 (cur | prev) +1 FlexBy talk contribs
11:55 (cur | prev) +542 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎Special Notes)
     11:27  Lost Planet 3‎‎ 2 changes history +1,195 [FlexBy‎ (2×)]
11:27 (cur | prev) +145 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎Special Notes)
11:14 (cur | prev) +1,050 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎Special Notes)
     00:12  Lost Planet 2 diffhist +43 Abbanon talk contribs (→‎Configuration: To resolve water artifacts:

18 September 2024

     23:37  (User creation log) [YOAN‎; Abbanon‎]
23:37 User account Abbanon talk contribs was created ‎
22:27 User account YOAN talk contribs was created ‎
     22:04  Vblank compatible games list diffhist −7 FlexBy talk contribs (→‎L)