Yakuza 4

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Yakuza 4
Series Yakuza
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Options that deviate from RPCS3's default settings and provide the best experience with this title are listed below.

CPU configuration

Setting Option Notes
SPU block size Mega No improvement to performance but reduces the number of SPU cache objects

GPU configuration

Setting Option Notes
Renderer Vulkan
Resolution scale threshold 512 x 512 Prevents weird borders from showing up when upscaling.

Known Issues

Random crashes

The title suffers from random crashes and currently there are no methods to prevent the crashes.

The random crashes can be fixed by enabling Accurate GETLLAR in the debug menu - No longer possible since PR 6056.

Special Notes

Reducing log spam

Due to the high amount of warnings spammed in the log, this title tends to crash during extended gameplay sessions. So it is recommended to restrict logging of certain errors to allow better performance while ingame. Please note that you cannot submit logs in the GitHub tracker or Discord server with this modification. If you wish to report bugs or seek help for this game, you MUST remove the below change before generating the log for this purpose. If you wish to restrict logging:

  1. Launch RPCS3
  2. Right-click on the game and press Configure
  3. When the Settings Menu opens, hit Save and close the emulator
  4. Navigate to RPCS3\config\custom_configs\config_GAMEID.yml and open the file using a text editor
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the file and replace the last line with the following:
Log: {sys_semaphore: Fatal, sys_fs: Fatal, sys_vm: Fatal, sys_memory: Fatal, RSX: Fatal, sys_lwmutex: Fatal, sys_spu: Fatal, sys_event: Fatal, sys_rsx: Fatal}