Talk:The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel

Discussion page of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
Revision as of 03:44, 26 February 2023 by Genoforprez (talk | contribs) (Bugs/Crashing around first boss)
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I managed to boot this game with the default configuration, and I played up to the first boss, but things seem to start wigging out around there. The music track that begins playing during the cutscene preceding the boss will play up to a certain point and then starts endlessly skipping like a broken record. This doesn't appear to be triggered by anything else in the game. It happens whether you are in the middle of the boss fight or if you just let the cutscene idle without advancing. The music just starts to skip after a while. Then when the post-boss cutscene plays, the game seems to freeze or crash during a fade-to-black in the cutscene.